Dr. Ben Heuer
Institut für MathematikJohann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität
Robert-Mayer-Str. 6-8
60325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Office: 211
E-Mail: heuer"at"math.uni-frankfurt.de
Group: Algebra
and Geometry
I am a Postdoc at the University of Frankfurt. I am interested in arithmetic and algebraic geometry. My current projects are related to:- p-adic non-abelian Hodge theory
- p-adic Local Langlands Program
- p-adic automorphic forms
Publications and Preprints
- \(p\)-adic non-abelian Hodge theory for curves via moduli stacks
with Daxin Xu
Preprint 2024 [ arXiv ] - The relative Hodge-Tate spectral sequence for rigid analytic spaces
Preprint 2024 [ arXiv ] - A \(p\)-adic Simpson correspondence for smooth proper rigid varieties
Accepted at Inventiones Math. [ arXiv ] - Hodge-Tate stacks and non-abelian \(p\)-adic Hodge theory of v-perfect complexes
with Johannes Anschütz and Arthur-César Le Bras
J. Reine Angew. Math. (Crelle), 2025 [ arXiv ] - \(p\)-adic Simpson correspondences for principal bundles in abelian settings
with Annette Werner and Mingjia Zhang
Accepted at Canad. J. Math. [ arXiv ] - The small \(p\)-adic Simpson correspondence in terms of moduli spaces
with Johannes Anschütz and Arthur-César Le Bras
Accepted at Math. Res. Lett. [ arXiv ] - v-vector bundles on \(p\)-adic fields and Sen theory via the Hodge-Tate stack
with Johannes Anschütz and Arthur-César Le Bras
Accepted at Simons Symp. [ arXiv ] - Moduli
spaces in \(p\)-adic non-abelian Hodge theory
Preprint 2022 [ arXiv ] - \(G\)-torsors
on perfectoid spaces
Preprint 2022 [ arXiv ] - The Primitive Comparison Theorem in characteristic \(p\)
Math. Z., 2024. [ arXiv ] - Perfectoid spaces. In: Non-Archimedean Geometry and Eigenvarieties
Editors: Eugen Hellmann, Judith Ludwig, Otmar Venjakob
Münster Lectures in Mathematics, p159-222, EMS Press 2024. [ preprint ] - A
geometric \(p\)-adic Simpson correspondence in rank one
Compositio Math., 2024. [ arXiv ] - Diamantine
Picard functors of rigid spaces
Accepted at Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. [ arXiv ] - The
-adic Corlette-Simpson correspondence for abeloids
with Lucas Mann, Annette Werner
Math. Ann., 2022. [ arXiv ] - Pro-étale
uniformisation of abelian varieties
Preprint 2021 [ arXiv ] - Line bundles on perfectoid covers: case of good reduction
Preprint 2021 [ arXiv ] - Line
bundles on rigid spaces in the v-topology
Forum Math. Sigma, 2022. [ arXiv ] - Overconvergent Hilbert modular
forms via perfectoid modular varieties
with Christopher Birkbeck, Chris Williams
Ann. Inst. Fourier, 2022. [ arXiv ] -
Perfectoid covers of abelian varieties
with Clifford Blakestad, Damián Gvirtz, Daria Shchedrina, Koji Shimizu, Peter Wear, Zijian Yao
Math. Res. Lett. 29.3: 631-662 (2022). [ arXiv ] - Cusps
and -expansion principles for modular curves at infinite
Doc. Math. 27, 2385-2439 (2022) [ arXiv ] - Perfectoid
geometry of -adic modular forms
PhD thesis 2019, London School of Geometry and Number Theory - Rigid -crystals
Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 29(3):1059-1082, 2017.
- All solutions to the immobilizer problem
with John Conway
Math. Intelligencer 36(4):78-86, 2014.
- Proof-reading guidance in cell tracking by
sampling tracking-by-assignment models
with Martin Schiegg, Carsten Haubold, Steffen Wolf, Ulrich Koethe, Fred A Hamprecht
In Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2015 IEEE 12th International Symposium
I am co-organising the student conference GROW@Frankfurt 2025 for all students of underrepresented genders who are interested in doing a PhD in mathematics.Lecture Notes
- Here are the notes for a course on perfectoid spaces that I gave at the Spring School on non-archimedean geometry and eigenvarieties in Heidelberg in 2023.
- Here are the lecture notes for a course on rigid analytic geometry that I gave at the University of Bonn in 2022. Thanks very much to Matthew Stevens for TeXing and for letting me share them here!
Teaching and Seminars
- Im Wintersemester 24/25 organisiere ich mit Prof. Werner ein Seminar Zahlentheorie und kommutative Algebra. Das Programm finden Sie hier.
- Im Wintersemester 23/24 habe ich mit Prof. Werner ein L3-/Proseminar Quadratische Formen organisiert. Das Programm finden Sie hier hier. Außerdem haben wir ein L3-/Proseminar Geschichte der Mathematik veranstaltet.
- In the summer term 2023, with Annette Werner and Katharina Hübner, we organised a research seminar (GAUS seminar) on Non-archimedean Geometry. The seminar page can be found here.
- Im Sommersemester 2023 war ich Assistent für die Lineare Algebra 2 bei Prof. Werner. Die Website der Vorlesung ist hier.
- Im Wintersemester 22/23 habe ich ein L3-Seminar an der Goethe Universität Frankfurt zum Thema Geschichte der Mathematik veranstaltet. Die Liste der Vorträge finden Sie hier.
- Im Wintersemester 22/23 habe ich mit Prof. Annette Werner ein Proseminar/L3-Seminar an der Goethe Universität Frankfurt zum Thema Beweismethoden veranstaltet.
- In the summer term 22, I taught a lecture course on Rigid Analytic Geometry at the University of Bonn. The course gave an introduction to non-archimedean geometry by discussing in detail Tate's rigid analytic spaces. Thanks very much to Matthew Stevens for TeXing lecture notes and for letting me share them with you here!
- With Johannes Anschütz and Arthur-César Le Bras, we organised a workshop on the recent work of Lue Pan, from 20-25th November 2022 at Maison Du Kleebach. Here is the program.
- I co-organised the conference "Graduate Opportunities for Women (GROW)" in Bonn. Details can be found here.
- With Mingjia Zhang I organised a Kleine AG on 12 March 2022. Details and notes can be found here.
Last update: August 2024, Ben Heuer